First DIP Conference on Holography and the Swampland
21-23 March 2023
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The DIP collaboration “Holography and the Swampland” is a German-Israeli collaborative network funded by the DFG which is composed of five institutes: The Max-Planck Institue for Physics, Hamburg University, Wurzburg University, the Weizmann Institute and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The collaboration researches elements of quantum gravity, in particular regarding gravitational holography and the Swampland program.
This is the first collaborative workshop, to be held at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
O. Aharony
I. Basile
N. Cribiori
S. Demulder
F. Kuehnel
Y. Li
J. Leedom
D. Luest
A. Mininno
N. Petri
J. Quirant
M. Berkooz
M. Scalisi
T. Shindelman
E. Urbach
T. Weigand
A. Westphal
S. Baiguera
Ram Brustein, Shira Chapman, Eran Palti

Conference Schedule:
Session I: 21/03 09:30 – 13:00, Location: Lecture Hall, Lorry I. Lokey Chemistry Building (43), BGU Marcus Family Campus
Session II: 21/03 15:00 – 16:10, Location: W. A. Minkoff Senate Hall, BGU Marcus Family Campus, Building 71a
Session III: 22/03 09:30 – 16:10, Location: W. A. Minkoff Senate Hall, BGU Marcus Family Campus, Building 71a
Session IV: 23/03 09:30 – 13:00, Location: W. A. Minkoff Senate Hall, BGU Marcus Family Campus, Building 71a
Tuesday (March 21) | Wednesday (March 22) | Thursday (March 23) | |
09:00 – 09:30 | Registration | Basile | |
09:30 – 10:05 | Luest | Weigand | Li |
10:05 – 10:40 | Petri | Cribiori | Shindelman |
10:40 – 11:15 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break |
11:15 – 11:50 | Aharony | Scalisi | Depart |
11:50 – 12:25 | Kuehnel | Quirant | |
12:25 – 13:00 | Berkooz | Baiguera | |
13:00 – 15:00 | Lunch Break | Lunch Break | |
15:00 – 15:35 | Westphal | Urbach | |
15:35 – 16:10 | Demulder | Mininno | |
16:10 – 16:45 | Leedom | ||
19:00 – 21:00 | Excursion | Speaker’s Dinner |
Talk titles:
Dieter Luest: Black Hole Entropy, Species Scales and Topological Strings
Nicolo Petri: Action metrics on AdS string vacua
Ofer Aharony: The Charge Convexity Conjecture: A Status Report
Florian Kuehnel: Recent Developments on Primordial Black Holes
Micha Berkooz: The double scaled SYK mode
Alexander Westphal: Heterotic de Sitter Beyond Modular Symmetry
Saskia Demulder: New duality frames and the distance conjecture
Timo Weigand: Strings, Species, and the Weak Gravity Conjecture
Niccolo Cribiori: Swampland constraints on scale separation and de Sitter
Marco Scalisi: The Scale of SUSY Breaking and the Swampland
Joan Quirant: Massive spin-2 particles and the swampland
Stefano Baiguera: Energy transport for thick holographic branes
Erez Urbach: The black hole/string transition in anti de Sitter space
Alessandro Mininno: The Asymptotic Weak Gravity Conjecture in M-theory
Ivano Basile: Dark energy from dark bubbles in a dark dimension
Yixuan Li: Local supersymmetry enhancement and the entropy of three-charge black holes
Tom Shindelman: Black holes as frozen stars: Regular interior geometry
Jacob Leedom: Duality Origami
Participants List:
- Ofer Aharony (Weizmann Institute)
- Rafael Alvarez-Garcia (Hamburg / DESY)
- Asaf Arzi (Ben-Gurion University)
- Shani Avitan (Ben-Gurion University)
- Stefano Baigura (Ben-Gurion University)
- Ivano Basile (Max-Planck Institute for Physics)
- Ido Ben-Dayan (Ariel University)
- Micha Berkooz (Weizmann Institute)
- Rotem Berman (Ben-Gurion University)
- Yacov-Nir Breitstein (Weizmann Institute)
- Ramy Brustein (Ben-Gurion University)
- Dean Carmi (University of Haifa)
- Shira Chapman (Ben-Gurion University)
- Pankaj Chaturvedi (Ariel University)
- Dvir Cohen (Ben-Gurion University)
- Niccolo Cribiori (Max-Planck Institute for Physics)
- Saskia Demulder (Ben-Gurion University)
- Omer Elbaz (Ben-Gurion University)
- Eduardo Guendelman (Ben-Gurion University)
- Rohit Kalloor (Weizmann Institute)
- Christian Kneissl (Max-Planck Institute for Physics)
- Florian Kuehnel (Max-Planck Institute for Physics)
- Trivko Kukolj (Weizmann Institute)
- Utkarsh Kumar (Ariel University)
- Suman Kundu (Weizmann Institute)
- Jacob Leedom (Hamburg / DESY)
- Yixuan Li (Max-Planck Institute for Physics)
- Michael Lublinsky (Ben-Gurion University)
- Dieter Lust (Max-Planck Institute for Physics)
- Ohad Mamroud (Weizmann Institute)
- Hagar Meir (Ben-Gurion University)
- Alessandro Mininno (Hamburg / DESY)
- Eran Palti (Ben-Gurion University)
- Nicolo Petri (Ben-Gurion University)
- Margherita Putti (Hamburg / DESY)
- Joan Quirant (Ben-Gurion University)
- Thomas Raml (Max-Planck Institute for Physics)
- Marco Scalisi (Max-Planck Institute for Physics)
- Tal Schwartzman (Ben-Gurion University)
- Yotam Sherf (Ben-Gurion University)
- Tom Shindelman (Ben-Gurion University)
- Osher Shoval (Ben-Gurion University)
- Timofey Solomko (Ben-Gurion University)
- Jacob Sonnenschein (Tel-Aviv University)
- Ayushi Srivastava (Ariel University)
- Udaykrishna Thattarampilly (Ariel University)
- Caner Unal (Ben-Gurion University)
- Erez Urbach (Weizmann Institute)
- Amresh Verma (Ariel University)
- Timo Weigand (Hamburg / DESY)
- Alexander Westphal (Hamburg / DESY)
Accommodation information:
The University U-Tel is located just north of the Marcus Family Campus.
Address: 6 HaDa’at Street, Ramot neighborhood – near BGU’s Markus Family Campus.
Arrival information:
You can reach Ben-Gurion University of the Negev by car or public transportation.
- Car – take highway 4 south from Tel-Aviv, switch to highway 41 East in Ashdod and then follow highway 40 South to Beer-Sheva.
- Israel Railways schedule and fares (in English and Hebrew) information at 03-5774000
or 04-8564444. Get off at Beer Sheva north station. Take the Mexico Bridge to the campus.