Group Members
Current People

Yftach Moyal
Yftach completed his BSc, including a project within the group. He previously worked on developing machine learning algorithms especially for tracking applications and data acquistion/analysis for the ZDC. While continuing ZDC work, he also studies UPC events looking for CGC signatures.
Bar Glik
Bar calibrated the energy scale of the ZDC in the 2022 pp run. He’s using this data set to study hydrodynamic flow as a function of “effective energy” in the collision.
Eitan Stahl
Eitan is trying to measure the transverse momentum of spectator neutrons using the RPD.

Lion Sudit
Lion did a lot of work on ZDC simulations while still an undergrad, and continued this work as an MSc student. His PhD is centered around and ATLAS Run-2 analysis of Z bosons in pPb collisions, but he would never leave behind the ZDC!
Michael Pitt
Postdoctoral Fellow
Michael is leading the group’s efforts towards the B0 electromagnetic calorimeter to be built as part of ePIC at the EIC.

Eden Mautner
Eden has begun his MSc, working with Michael on the B0 EM calorimeter for ePIC @ EIC.
Yair Cohen
Yair is just getting started but plans to study the spatial parameters of collision fireball’s using quantum correlations (HBT) for pp collisions parameterized by “effective energy” as Bar has defined it.

Raveendra Karnam
Raveendra was a post-doc in the group, mostly working on ZDC calibrations and tests. After his time with us, Raveendra joined the cosmic muon group at CP3.

Itay Gelber
Lab Engineer
Itai is the lab engineer. He completed his PhD in bio-physics with Mario Feingold, before joining the group. His research is in the characterization of radiation damage to quartz/fused silica.

Yuval Bashan
Yuval’s MSc was on development of ZDC prototypes, and exploring possible use cases for the ZDC in BSM searches.

Rodina al Turi
Bagrut Project
Rodina built – from drawings to construction to electronics! – a cosmic muon test bench setup.

Arkan Abo
Bagrut Project
Arkan’s research was to look for superficially visible (under magnfication) damage to irradiated fused silica rods.
Nir Maimon
Bagrut Project
Nir started analyzing the possibilty of reconstructing the position of a light source whose light was collected by a (non-imaging) Winston cone. He used both a real experiment and GEANT simulation.

Shir Shenkar
Shir’s research work was focussed on the ZDC upgrade. She implemented many of the technical requirements for preparation of the instrumentation, and works on the detector prototype especially the electromagnetic module.