Zvi Citron
Relativistic Heavy-Ions Group
The major topic in the field of relativistic heavy-ion collisions is the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), a state of matter in which the smallest constituents of matter are deconfined. One of the group’s primary research objectives is to understand this QCD state of matter and the conditions necessary for its formation, through the study of heavy-ion collisions in the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This objective is complemented by efforts to maximize the data from the LHC heavy-ion program beyond QGP studies. Some examples are discussed below. In addition to the LHC heavy-ion program, the group is actively engaged in the upcoming ePIC experiment at the Electron Ion Collider, with a particular focus on forward tracking and calorimetery.


The main goal of this research is to gain a better understanding of the conditions under which a QGP may be formed, including defining and searching for new QGP signatures in collision environments previously thought unable to produce a QGP and to continue to refine our characterization of the QGP. The heavy ion program at the ATLAS experiment has achieved great success studying heavy ion collisions, but numerous questions concerning the QGP and other fundamental physics remain.
Recent results have suggested that a QGP may be formed even in proton-proton collisions defying previous assumptions; definitively identifying QGP signatures in such collisions remains an exciting and open topic. The achievement of this goal will be accomplished by employing novel analysis techniques to ATLAS collision data.

The proposed research will provide for the development and eventual construction of new radiation hard Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) detectors for the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The currently installed ZDC at the LHC have been refurbished and improved for Run 3, however their design is not compatible with the modifications planned for the LHC tunnels for Run 4. Together with our collaborators we will produce a robust High Luminosity-ZDC for LHC Run 4.
B0 Detectors for the ePIC Experiment
The far-forward region is key to the ePIC experiment and the overall EIC physics goals. In our group we are developing a silicon based charged particle tracker and scintillating crystal based electromagnetic calorimeter all of which must fit in the bore of the B0 magnet!
The group focuses on high energy nuclear physics, in particular heavy ion collisions measured with the ATLAS experiment. The research comprises ATLAS data analysis and work on particle detectors from R&D to construction.
Graduate and postdoctoral positions are available, as well as projects for undergraduate students.
General information about the LHC and ATLAS from CERN‘s website.
General information about the EIC and ePIC from BNL‘s website.
Short summaries related to QGP basics:
A “Little Bang” arrives at the LHC
New Measurements of the Most Perfect Liquid
New Temperature Probe for Quark-Gluon Plasma
The Stopping Power of Hot Nuclear Matter
A Precise Probe of the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Short summaries related to small-system QGP:
A melting pot of protons
The Littlest Liquid
Finding a haystack in a field of haystacks
Longer Summaries:
Heavy Ion Collisions: The Big Picture and the Big Questions
Small System Collectivity in Relativistic Hadronic and Nuclear Collisions
“Mini-course” slides 1 (part 1)
“Mini-course” slides 1 (part 2)