Our group studies nonequilibrium dynamics and thermalization in quantum many-body systems using a combination of analytical and numerical tools. The group was established in the fall of 2018. Positions for talented students and postdocs are available.
Disordered systems
Disorder allows avoiding thermalization and defy conventional statistical mechanics, through the mechanisms of Anderson or many-body localization. We study these ergodicity breaking mechanisms in detail. In particular the nature of transport and correlations spreading in systems on the verge of localization

Nonequillibrium dynamics
While conventionally condensed matter theory was moslty concerned with equilibrium or stationary states situations, recent theoretical and experimental progress spurred interest in nonequillibrium. In our group we study various situations of nonequillibrium dynamics, such as transport, quenches and external driving.

Quantum information spreading and thermalization
In the process of thermalization the local memory of the initial condition is erased. The spatio-temporal profile of such “information scrambling” could be visualized by studying the so called out-of-time-order correlation functions, which also provides the upper bound on information spreading in the system. We study the properties of such profiles to better understand thermalization in systems with short-range and long-range interactions.