Some high-res papers that don’t show well on the arXiv:

 Fermi bubbles: high latitude X-ray supersonic shell

 Fermi bubble edges: spectrum and diffusion function

 Spiral flows in cool core galaxy clusters

 The Case for a Low Extragalactic Gamma-ray Background – high resolution figures

 Gamma-rays from intergalactic shocks – high resolution figures

Posters presented in conferences:

 Poster: New insights into diffusive shock acceleration (prize winner)
(O. Arad, A. Lavi, & U. Keshet, presented in the 2018 Israeli Physics Society conference, Jerusalem)

 Poster: Detection of virial shocks in stacked Fermi-LAT clusters
(I. Reiss & U. Keshet, presented in the 7th International Fermi Symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, October 2017)

 Poster: Magnetohydrodynamics using path or stream functions (prize winner)
(Y. Naor & U. Keshet, presented in the “IPSTA 18” conference, Be’er Sheva, Israel, March 2016)

 Poster: Dynamically Driven, Universal Thermal Profile of Galaxy Groups and Clusters
(I. Reiss & U. Keshet, presented in the “Let’s Group” workshop, Garching, Germany, June 2015)

 Poster: Non-thermal radiation from intergalactic shocks
(U, Keshet, presented in the gamma-2004 international symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2004)



 Data – Google Drive