Group Members

Yishay Manassen
Principal investigator

Michael Averbukh
PhD Student

Zion Hazan
PhD student

Henry Realpe
Research Fellow (2018)

Yahel Tzuriel
MSc Student

Valery Dikovsky
Research Fellow
Yevgeny Ter Oganesyan
Anne Pomialova
Eldad Peretz
Dov Shachal
Alon Eisenstein
Shachar Richter
Ramy Dana
PhD (2010)
Currently at MIT.
In Memoriam

Cpt. Yoni Leon Shmucher
MSc (2006)
Yoni was a member of the STM group, his research was focused on examining magnetic molecules on gold (Au) with the help of Scanning Tunneling Microscope in Low Temperature (4K).
While working on his Master’s Thesis, Yoni was recruited as a reservist to fight in the Second Lebanon War. Unfortunately, on August 9th, 2006, Yoni was killed.