DIP Collaboration on Holography and the Swampland

German-Israeli Research Collaboration supported by the DFG
The collaboration is working on developing our understanding of quantum gravity, with a particular emphasis on establishing connections between the theoretical physics fields of gravitational holography and the Swampland program.
The collaboration is set to run for 5 years starting on 2022. It involves two nodes in Israel: Ben Gurion University of the Negev and the Weizmann Institute of Science, and three nodes in Germany: the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, the University of Würzburg and Universität Hamburg / DESY. It is composed of over 50 members based at the institute nodes.
Collaboration Members

Eran Palti (PI)
Shira Chapman (CI)
Ram Brustein (CI)
Stefano Andriolo
Nicolo Petri
Marco Michel
Asaf Arzi
Omer Elbaz
Joan Quirant (01/10/22)
Tal Schwartzman
Stefano Baiguera
Saskia Demulder (01/10/22)
Yoav Zigdon
Yotam Sherf
Tom Shindelman
Shani Avitan
Hagar Meir
Tamar Simhon

Pedro Liendo (CI)
Timo Weigand (CI)
Alexander Westphal (CI)
Aleix Gimenez
Philine Julia van Vliet
Florent Baume (01/10/22)
Mininno Alessandro
Cesar Cota
Daniel Kläwer
Rafael Álvarez-García
Nicole Righi
Veronica Guidetti
Jacob Leedom

Dieter Lüst (PI)
Gia Dvali (CI)
Ralph Blumenhagen
Yixuan Li (01/10/22)
Markus Dierigl
Alessandra Gnecchi
Marco Scalisi
Niccolo Cribiori

Micha Berkooz (CI)
Ofer Aharony (CI)
Adar Sharon
Masataka Watanabe
Yiyang Jia
Yacov-Nir Breitstein
Nadav Brukner
Navot Silverstein
Erez Urbach

Johanna Erdmenger (CI)
Christian Northe
Marius Gerbershagen
Anna-Lena Weigel
Giuseppe Di Giulio
Rathindra Nath Das
Pablo Basteiro
Yanick Thurn

First DIP collaboration conference: 21-23 March, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Conference website: https://sites.physics.bgu.ac.il/holographyswampland/conferencebgu/
12 Feb 2023

Online lectures series: "Introduction to Holography and the Swampland" by Eran Palti

Online lectures: Giuseppe Di Giulio (Würzburg) and Stefano Baiguera (BGU)
The second online lectures meeting is on 29/06/2022 with speakers Giuseppe Di Guilo (Wurzburg) and Stefano Baiguera (BGU)
29 June 2022

Online lectures: Marco Scalisi (MPI) and Yoav Zigdon (BGU)
The online lecture series kicks off with Marco Scalisi (MPI) and Yoav Zigdon (BGU) on 15/06/2022
15 June 2022

Slack channel opened for the DIP collaboration
Online Slack channel has been opened for the collaboration members (link sent by emails). The channel can be used to facilitate scientific discussions that are part of the collaboration.
23 February 2022

New Ben-Gurion University press release on the DIP (in Hebrew)
Ben-Gurion University press release on the DIP collaboration published on the website front page (in Hebrew).
23 February 2022

1st DIP Collaboration Online Workshop to be held on 21st February 2022
The first DIP collaborative online workshop will be organised by the Hamburg / DESY node and be held on 21st Ferbraury 2022.
12 February 2022

Max Planck Institute press release on the DIP collaboration published
The Max Planck Institute for Physics has published a press release (German version) on the DIP collaboration.
10 February 2022

Ben-Gurion University press release on the DIP collaboration published
Ben-Gurion University press release on the DIP collaboration published on the website front page.
10 February 2022

DIP Collaboration on Holography and the Swampland kicks off!
The DIP collaboration on Holography and the Swampland has began its funding period. The DFG (German Research Foundation) begins the 5-year €1.65 Million funding, which will cover researcher hiring as well as collaborative visits and workshops.
01 January 2022