The Negev Physics Fete is a biannual opportunity for students and faculty to interact outside of the classroom or lab and listen to some great physics lectures along the way. The event will be held at the Sde Boker field school, in the heart of the Negev desert and will include educational, social, and sport events. Accomodation, meals and transportation from Beer Sheva are free of charge.

The Fete is organized by the Physics Department of Ben Gurion University of the Negev.


*Please note: the final schedule will be available two weeks before the event, possible changes may be made.

Physics sessions program

12 March 2025 Wednesday

9:30 Buses depart from Be’er Sheva
10:30 Arrival at Sde Boker
11:00-12:00 Session 1
12:00-12:30 Coffee Break
12:30-13:30 Session 2
13:30-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:00 Session 3
16:00 Afternoon activities
19:00 Dinner followed by evening/night activities

13 March 2025 Thursday

8:00-9:30 Breakfast
09:30-10:30 Session 4
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Session 5
12:00-13:30 Lunch
14:00 Buses depart to Be’er Sheva


Physics Sessions Program

Each lecture will be up to 15 minutes long.

All lectures will be in Hebrew unless otherwise specified.

*Please note: the final schedule will be available two weeks before the event, possible changes may be made.


Session 1

Speaker Title
Department Chair Welcoming messages
Adi Zitrin גילויים חדשים מטלסקופ החלל ג׳יימס ווב
Yigal Meir למה אנחנו פה

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Session 2

Speaker Title
Ron Folman TBA
Oleg Krichevsky Super-resolution optical microscopy
Miriam Golubchik כוכבים מעודשים וסופרנובות בצבירי גלקסיות
Eran Maniv פיזיקת המצב המוצק – ההיסטוריה של פריצות הדרך

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Session 3

Speaker Title
Zvi Citron What are colliders good for?
Arik Yochelis למה לי פיזיקה בעולם מולטידיספלינרי של מערכות מורכבות
Eugene Frumker When Light Gets Extreme: Exploring Strong Field Physics with Attosecond Science

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Session 4

Speaker Title
Yishay Manassen TBA
Ido Regev חומרים לומדים
Doron Cohen Breaking the quantum-classical correspondence principle
Shani Avitan TBA

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Session 5

Speaker Title
Shira Chapman TBA
Moshe Schechter פיזיקה בסיסית יישומית
Dror Yahav TBA
Yevgeny Kats פיזיקת חלקיקים – הידעתם

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The event will happen in Midreshet ben Gurion, at sde Boker. Lecture sessions will be in the George Evens Family Auditorium (building #19). Afternoon and evening events will happen at Zin Elementary School (sports events) and the Field School House and Hostel (accomodations, evening poike, music circle and stargazing).

Transportation – 

A University bus will leave from the North Train Station at 9:30 AM on Wednesday and will arrive at Sde Boker at around 10:30 AM.
On Thursday, a University bus will leave from Auditorium Evans at 16:00 and is expected to arrive at the North Train Station at 17:00 depending on traffic.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early if you want to join the University bus.

You are also welcome to arrive on your own. There is a campus Parking lot and two public transportation options bus #60 and #64 by Metropoline.

Registration and Payment

(For undergraduate students only)

The Physics Fete 2025 will take place on the 12th and 13th of March, 2025, in Sde Boker.
Student registration AND payment deadline is January 1st, at 20:00.

Filling out the registration form does not guarantee entry to the event without payment confirmation.

*** Please use the SAME name and ID number in both the Registration AND payment forms.